How to be a stockbroker uk

How to be a stockbroker uk

Author: maxm Date of post: 10.06.2017

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Universities A-Z Guides to unis in the UK and beyond. Join TSR now and get all your career questions answered Sign up now. How to become a stockbroker? Watch sendTimingData 'title' ; Watch. Follow 1 Hi, Just wanted some advice on how to go about becoming a stockbroker? What is the average salary for a stockbroker in the UK? Anymore help about the subject would be much appreciated Follow 2 Follow 3 Follow 4 Just talk to a careers adviser, it will probably be a degree around finance so economics or something similar.

Follow 5 But there are the people at the very top getting paid tens of millions of pounds, with bonuses on top. But yeah, not sure what the wage is now after the crunch, I'm guessing its fallen significantly.

how to be a stockbroker uk

Follow 6 Follow 7 You do know if you want to be rich there are better ways of going about it. Follow 8 Original post by Marvin MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Original post by econ1 Mostly I like the lifestyle of a stockbroker working in the city and working in an exciting fast paced environment Follow 9 Going into a career for money rarely ends well.

Do something you love.

How to Become a Stock Broker

I really fail to see how someone can have a genuine love of the actual job of a stockbroker. It's not necessarily fast-paced and exciting, it just involves a lot of shouting and putting in a lot of hours.

Follow 10 Apparently a Philosophy degree is good for stockbrokers. But I think you'd be a fool to do what you think will get you lots of money instead of considering what you would actually like to do. You clearly only want to do it because you think you'll make lots of money. Truth is, if you don't have true ambition to get to the top, you won't. Follow 11 You obviously don't know much about this. Youre just gonna be filling orders for people. Google ICAP, work for them. Follow 12 You've got to be registered with the LSE.

Follow 13 Watch "The pursuit of happyness".

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Follow 14 Follow 15 Follow 16 I don't know what your perception of stockbroking is Follow 17 Original post by cruciform what about Imperial?

Follow 18 I know this is a old thread, but it has been getting plenty of views so thought I would post. This website has a section How to become a stockbroker in the U.

Follow 19 I myself am a stockbroker. I work for an FCA regulated firm who is a member of the London Stock Exchange. There are a few myths regarding the role which I will elaborate on.

Firstly, a degree isn't essential. I don't have a degree and started at 19 after doing a year in recruitment hence my less intensive sales experience got me the job.

how to be a stockbroker uk

Some but not all firms require a degree so I would recommend one. As for the degree you choose, a financial one is seen as better but it's kind of irrelevant in a way as stockbroking is about sales so you just need to be able to learn financial information e.

This role means you'll be cold calling all day to open accounts for the senior brokers until you've proven yourself to be worth the time and effort for the firm to pay for your brokers exams or alternatively fired. Whilst an opener, your pay will be diabolical. If you are good however, you'll be promoted quickly and the top brokers at my firm earn in excess of k a year without breaking sweat.

Once you're done being an opener you'll be a junior broker where the exams come into play. Without these you aren't regulated, therefore worthless to the company. The 3 exams are: ONLY once you pass all three are you technically a stockbroker on 24kk a year. Then for the first 2 years you'll earn average money whilst you build your own client base or your own openers. Once you've gone through that you'll earn big money. As for whether it's a stressful job?

You are constantly monitoring the charts for your clients and as for your hours. If its UK markets only then try 8am to 5. Follow 20 This blog post has advice about what skills you need to become a stockbroker or trader, as well as how you can get firsthand experience of working in the sector to see if it's right for you.

Check it out using the link below. Write a reply… Reply.

Should I try to become a stockbroker? How do i become a stockbroker?

How to become a Stock Broker |

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